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3,2,1 Smoked Ribs

Last updated on April 20, 2021

Since I started smoking ribs this way I have never gone back to any of many other ways I have done it. This method works great for beef or pork. I usually do pork, but as you will hear a lot on this page my wife does not eat pork and my daughter is vegan. I know fuck me right. lol But I still do pork for parties and other gatherings. So today I did beef back ribs. My wife loves them.

Ahh yeah the before pic. Some good looking little ribs there. I let them get room temp first.

I like to peal the membrane off before I cook them. Some people like to leave it on. I just think it has a much better chew when finished when it is peeled off. I think most people think it’s a pain to get off. It’s really not. At room temp. the hardest part is like when you are peeling a sticker off. Getting it started. Once you get a little peeled off. Grab it with a paper towel. This will save you a lot of frustration. without the paper towel it is slippery and a lot harder to pull off. Grab it with the paper towel and it should come off with a little (or a lot) of tugging.

Next season them with your favorite rub. Soon here I will post some recipes here for rubs, but for now we are concentrating on the cook.

All I use is lump charcoal. I get this brand at WinCo. Thing to remember about lump charcoal. When you shake the bag it should sound solid and be heavy. If it sounds like a big bag of really lite change. It will burn really fast. This process works just fine with pellet, gas, electric, or regular charcoal. This is just what I use with some wet smoke chips tossed in in the first and last part of the smoke. As long a as you are cooking with indirect heat ( the source of the heat is not under the meat ) and low temp you will do just fine. Get your fire going and you want it between 210° and 215°.

Place seasoned ribs in the smoker for 3 hours. Keeping an eye on the temp, keeping it between 210° and 215° as much as possible. With the electric, gas and pellet smokers this is a much easier task then either of the charcoal methods. I always put a pan of water under the rack to keep the meat moist.

After 3 hours place on a large sheet of heavy duty aluminum (you are going to wrap them in it for the next part of the cook. I spread room temp butter or squeeze butter on top. Then cover them with brown sugar. Some like the mustard and sugar method and that doesn’t suck either. I like the caramelization I get with the butter and sugar. Wrap them up tight, and back in the smoker for two hours at 210° – 215°. Have a beer or four.

Take them out after 2 hours and unwrap them. Time for BBQ sauce. Sauce them up. Take them out of the foil and back into the smoker for one more hour.

So recap. Rub the ribs. Put in the smoker for 3 hours. Wrap the ribs. Put back in the smoker for 2 hours. Sauce the ribs. Back in the smoker for 1 hour. And enjoy. Hope you try this method out and comment below.

Published inBBQBlog


  1. […] graduation party, and it was a big hit with vegans and meat eaters alike. Meat eaters also got my 3,2,1 Ribs. If no one told you. You would probably never no that this chili is […]

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